Wednesday 7 May 2014



·         *We all kept up a good pace; nobody stalled on lines or stalled.
·         *We used the physicality well in characters, if we kept something up (e.g. a mannerism, etc.) we still used them.
·        * The lines were confidently spoken and not stuttered on much.
·        * There were hardly any pauses with problems with lines, etc.
·        * Costumes worked really well to make sense with the play, they looked the part and when making costume changes they were easily changed too.
·         *The set was greatly presented and was set out really well in my opinion, it left enough space for the characters to move about when interacting and also could be used well too (e.g. climbing the stairs, wolves jumping down, etc.)
·        * The projection worked a lot better in the performance, it looked a lot more real in the performance and I think that it is because of the lighting. In tech, the projection looked good but didn't too in different ways such as it didn't hit the whole of the pieces of card so didn't look right, or wasn't the correct image for the scene, etc. but for the final performance it worked so much better.
·       *  The choreography improved for the final performance from rehearsals, it could still have been better but worked more in the final performance.
·         *‘SLAP!’ worked a lot better in the performance from rehearsals, the fact that it was a real slap made everything work a lot better with the reactions and movements.
*Mrs Brisket had a lot more energy which was great, it was more natural of a character and came out a lot more simpler too.
* A lot more things worked much better in the final performance than the rehearsals. This is because we had practiced each scene so much we all knew it very well.

S  Improvements:
Making it more realistic in the way that if there was a pause we could improvise with a line that still worked with the era, for example in the performance there was a pause but a line could of easily been thrown in that would still make sense and not have any pauses. To improve this, we could think of lines to say beforehand for different scenes just in case there is a pause, etc.

Physicality in some scenes could have been better, for example when Bonnie and Sir Willoughby play around it could be a lot more movements. To improve this, we could simply rehearse over this scene and decide on more actions to use and more smoothly.

We could of improved the energy (especially for my character) to make it a lot more lively and more involved with each characters and to improve this we could just throw in a lot more running around, being over excited, etc. Also we could change things up such as the tone in voice (going high to low and vice versa) or making new entrances by coming in differently from the other side, or from underneath the set, or from behind a curtain.

Remembering the line that comes before you because there was one more line of chorus left and I had already started my line before letting them finish. To improve this I will just keep going over my lines and pick a key point in the last line before mine and remember it to know when to come in.

If there was a pause, not wait for the next line to be said. Just to jump straight in and not worry about if you are going over somebody else lines as it is more realistic and if somebody did start their line while another person is still finishing theirs they should of just acted like it was supposed to happen whereas in the play if that happened we all  looked a bit scared and didn't really know what step to take next. To avoid this we should be more prepared for future performances in case anything like that happened, to make sure you have a back up for any problems, etc.

  Final evaluation:
I would say that we all pulled off the performance really well. There were areas for improvement but from the change from rehearsals to the final show I seen a great change in the way that we did things such as there was a lot more energy present in the performance, everything was at a better pace, etc. The play was about story telling and I think that we all did that really well. We tried to make our voices quite naturalistic in some ways so that it sounded just like somebody was reading a story out to the audience. I really like this aspect of the play because it all then made sense and the audience could follow it along and connect with characters and story lines. It is a children's story of course, but I would say that it was for an adults audience too. For example when Mrs Brisket is flirting with Simon and making sexual innuendos, children wouldn't understand that joke but adults get it. That is another reason why I really enjoyed it, it was for all age groups and everyone should of found something that they really liked.
  The design of costumes, props, set, etc. for me all worked excellent. Every prop that was brought to the set was used, every costume worked well with each scene and the set was laid out great so that everyone could still move around and then also use the set to their advances such as the wolves jumping off them from a higher level to the ground. The set had levels to it was I really liked because of that. They created more of an atmosphere to the play and more to look at. It didn't make the small stage cramped either, I would of actually said it made the stage look a lot bigger in a way. The costumes were also really good, for each scene also sometimes they were changed to make more sense to the play (e.g. when Simon comes to help the girls escape from Blastburn, Sylvia returns in a different outfit from her dress to boys clothes when they are getting away which makes a lot more sense.) I liked this change in costumes because it changed up they play a bit, it gave more things to look at for the audience and was a change of scenery. Finally, the props were great! I brought in some props that were used (some were not because I realized we didn't need them in rehearsals) such as when I go to make breakfast with Mr Wilderness, I get out a pan and wooden spoon which worked really well and when I give Emma the key to the cheese cupboard I gave her a key that I had made out of tinned foil so that it looked more shiny in the light and you could see it a lot more clearer than if it it was a real key.
  There were also some 'representative props', for example when Simon says about a "goose feathered quilt" for Sylvia, he gives her a rug that was also her rug from the train journey that Mr Grimshaw had given to her and also Aunt Jane's at one point too. However this was a representative prop so the audience would not of even questioned it. They would of just thought of the line as that he has brought a blanket for her to keep warm, not too much into detail.
  The design and style of the play was very useful in how it was set out, for example when I put random props into a chest like the lantern, my dress when I have gotten changed, the key to give to Emma, etc. the audience knows that I am not carrying a big wooden box with me everywhere, they sort of forget about the fact that it is there and I am just moving things out of the way. The fact that the chest was always there in the same place each time and it could fit lots in was useful for me to just throw everything into and where it was was also very handy as it was sort of centre stage too.
  I would say that the physical theatre and the physicality that we used was great! We could have easily used animation, but we used elements of physical theatre and this to me worked really well because it created more of a show. Without the physicality (especially in quite grotesque characters such as Slighcarp and Grimshaw) the show would not of been as interesting as it was to the audience. I loved the physicality in the play, it gave it more to look at and it was a lot more interesting than it would of been if we had of just put a video up of wolves running, etc. It did work really well, it could however have been improved though such as more physicality in bigger scenes like when Slighcarp and Grimshaw burn the will, they do an evil laugh at the end but that could have been bigger and more of an extravagant scene.
  Some parts however were expressionistic. They stood out to be not natural at all and nobody would move in them ways in day to day life. When the wolves are looking all hangdog, gruff, hunched over and hungry in real life nobody's posture or mannerisms would naturally be like that. I think that being like this in the play however worked really well because if they were acting normal as wolves then it wouldn't of been as convincing or really very interesting to actually watch either. So in the play it worked out well to be expressionistic, without being this way the play could have been really boring to watch and not great at all. Also the body language with this is very intimidating (for wolves) and over the top. I loved this aspect because it adds a layer to the meaning of what is actually being said, e.g. chorus adds more meaning "wolves are here", if that had just been said it can be scary but not that much but by being expressionistic it makes it a lot more of a statement and you become more wary and more involved with what is being said personally. It is basically what is being said but with more physicality involved too.
  Gestus= "is an acting technique developed by the German theatre practitioner Bertolt Brecht. It carries the sense of a combination of physical gestures and "gist" or attitude. It is a means by which "an attitude or single aspect of an attitude" is revealed, insofar as it is "expressible in words or actions."
  "Gestus, as the embodiment of an attitude, carries at least two distinct meanings in Brecht's theatre: first, the uncovering or revealing of the motivations and transactions that underpin a dramatic exchange between the characters; and second, the "epic" narration of that character by the actor (whether explicitly or implicitly)."
  We actually used a lot of gestus in our performance with defiantly the dramatic transactions and also the epic narration too. The play could be summed up with this word, Brecht's techniques were mostly used in the play apart from this one too such as breaking the fourth wall. This occurred when Sir Willoughby is talking about Sylvia and he goes over to were her and Mr Grimshaw are sat and sort of plays around with them even though they do not move at all. We did use epic theatre in a way but not completely, we didn't use it n the way that the audience would be confused when they left the play but we did use it in the way that we used minimal props, we got changed on stage sometimes (when the girls change into boys clothes) and this technique also broke the fourth wall between the audience and stage because Brecht did not want his audiences to feel comfortable, he wanted to mess with them and for them to judge what was going on too. Getting changed on stage is also the 'alienation effect' because it makes something strange and something the audience has never seen before, getting changed on stage is probably a first for most of the audience. Back to the technique of Gestus, Brecht invented this. It is about the movements, sounds, and more that the characters take part in. The movements that are portrayed show the audience what is trying to be shown at that moment, for example when Miss Slighcarp gets shoved and her wig comes off she screeches and darts about quite a lot showing her emotion of anger because the audience would pick up on that she is angry from her body language too.
  We also used some mime with things such as when Simon gives Sylvia medicine, he hands it to her and she drinks it, gives it back to him and he puts it in his back pocket. If that was done incorrectly such as he then (once it was handed back to him) just let go of his clasp, that would not of looked real because if that had of really happened in real life the people wouldn't just carry on something would be done such as moving out of the way or cleaning up. There was also some improvisation mime in the performance too with me and Emma. When I hand her the key, I couldn't find it in the chest so I simply mimed it to her to not stop the pace and to keep it going by thinking on the spot quickly. It worked and still looked like I was handing her a small key too.
  The music that was used for the performance was great, but I would of preferred more music throughout. For reasons such as when there were dramatic scenes the music would of made the scene a lot more intense or it would of been a lot more sad if there was sad music playing as music has such a powerful effect on people which has been proven in movies. Overall for music I would of liked a bit more but then there are still negative impacts with more music as in a play it can take away from the acting ad also sometimes it could be too over powering for lines not too be heard so I would say more music to be used but at the right moments too because then it could conflict too. For example when Miss Slighcarp and Mr Grimshaw tell my character that her parents are dead, if sad music was to be played that would work but then it would lower Miss Slighcarp down too. She wouldn't look as powerful if nice music was playing and you can also get the mistake of making it more cheesy and it looking less sad and a lot more daft overall. So I would say more music, but only at certain times too.
  For timing, I would say that it could have been improved for specific moments. E.g. when Simon draws his bow, aims it at the wolves and shoots, the timing could have been a lot better because they didn't go down and back away when it happened. It still worked really well how it was but just could of been improved. This would have been by possibly making a noise to let the wolves know that the arrow had been fired like a stomp or jump that would make a loud noise, etc. More moments like this needed improving in ways such as this like the slap scenes but they all still worked really well too. Improving on things like this would simply tighten up bits of the play but were not major, we got most of the timing right in my opinion and the audience didn't notice anything big either.
  The pace worked really well. When we first started to rehearse we were going on for sometimes more than two hours but in the end we averaged the timing out to be around 1 hour and 15 minutes. This is all because the pace was so steady and not too fast or slow. If things were needed to be said in a hurry they were said fast but with a purpose and vice versa if it was meant to be slow and sad for example. I thought that the pace could not have been improved it was great how it was, the only thing I would suggest are things like some characters slowing lines down because they just want to get their bits done, so to enjoy it more and then it would come out more natural and at a steady pace for each scene. Also to keep the pace going another improvement could be that instead of waiting to say your lines by doing an action, just start saying the lines as the actions are taking place. This makes it a lot more interesting to watch in my opinion and there are a lot less gaps and again the pace keeps up. The dialogue should have started as soon as the character is in visible sight to the audience, this keeps the pace up and is more realistic and natural too. Another improvement for the pace of the play could be that the entrances and exits could of been more dynamic so it would keep the pace up and would not have to keep stopping every time somebody leaves or comes in. I could of improved from this because when I find out that my mama and papa are dead, my next line is that it isn't true, etc. but I usually wait for Slighcarp and Grimshaw to leave which does create a pause. To improve on this I should of just gone straight into my line whilst they were leaving because in reality them types of people wouldn't care if I said something like that anyway.
  From what I was told by my friends and family who came to watch the show, their reactions and responses were positive. They obviously understood what was going on throughout the whole play and had their favorite character moments. Mostly the favorite being the grotesque characters such as Miss Slighcarp and Mrs Brisket, even though all of the characters were enjoyed too. Asking some of them what was their favorite scenes, it was mostly the school scene and also the scenes like the story telling moments, etc. The things that they thought could have been improved on were mainly things like more energy, more things going on on stage just to keep the atmosphere up but they did like the idea of projection as they thought that it still kept an interesting background for each scene to look at and also gave them an idea of which scene was which and whereabouts in the story they were at that moment in time. Overall it was positive feedback with some pointers of what to mix up a bit next time.
  My overall judgement on this play therefore was very positive! I thought that everything mainly went according to plan and it all came together nicely. It was simple to watch and understand, and everything looked great for the props, set, costumes and all of the characters had come out for the performance night. For me, I really enjoyed participating in the play and would gladly do it again because of how fun I thought it was and hopefully that came across for the audience too! In addition, some things still could have been improved and worked out slightly more but what we pulled off was great for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and think that everybody else did to including the rest of the cast and also the audience. There were obviously positives and negatives too but I would say that everything came together in the end from all of our rehearsals and practices at home, the hard work payed off!

Sunday 4 May 2014


  I have made a list of the props that I will need (or somone in the same scene as me will need) and here is what I have so far:
  * Annabelle
  * Key (cheese cupboard)
  * Letter to Dr Morne
  * Lantern
  * Boys clothes
  * Dress
  * Clipper (train)
  * Toys (act 2, scene 2)
  * Kitchen tools
  * Broom
  * Coins and purse
  * Cups and plates
  * Champagne
  * Orange

I have mostly everything by now but I am still looking out for the rest of the things on my list, here is the props I have so far (plus lantern dress and broom, they are at college).

I also have my 'boys clothes' but it is drying. I got one of my dads white shirts, ripped it slightly and then dipped it in coffee and water. It now looks old and tatty and I did this because Simon doesn't really have any money so his clothes wouldn't be the best looking or expensive. With this, I am just wearing leggings as I would be wearing that anyway under my dress. The shoes that I will wear will be just flat ballet pumps because they will go with the dress and I can still wear them with the boys clothing too.

By Tuesday (first performance day), I will have everything that I need for props.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Learning Lines & Notes.


 When learning my lines, I have talked to people in the group about their techniques in doing so. With not long left till the performance we should all really know our lines and be comfortable with them. I did some research into the different ways of learning lines for the play, and also discussed it in class with others. My best tips are:

1.) Look - Cover - Write
  I really liked this technique, it works well for me to remember lines and is very successful. It helps me remember the line more too as I go over them, the way this works is that it is a repetitive task and requires you to keep going over lines which puts it in your head a lot more. This technique helped me a lot.

2.) Reading lines into a mirror
  This also works really well for me because when you watch yourself read out the lines, it looks like a different person and you hear them out loud which some how helps for each line to stick in your head.

3.) Read lines before bed
  This technique helps if you do it correctly. You have to literally read your lines, then sleep. I say this because most people would then watch TV, play a game, etc. but for this technique to work you have to go straight to sleep after reading over your lines. This allows the brain to only think about the lines and nothing else, while you sleep you will be solely going over the lines in your head. This is an overall great technique, it allows the lines to sink into your head more so you should not only remember the lines, but also very clearly and confidently. I have not yet tried out this method but I do plan to this week (this will be a target.)

4.) Rehearsing with partner (not necessarily in the play)
  This could be practising with a parent, a friend, or even better a person who is also in the play. This is not only a great memory technique, but it also helps to know when you come in with your line. This will keep the rehearsals at a steady pace and not slow them down with gaps and pauses because of people not knowing when it's their turn to say their line. We have not yet gone over this technique properly in class, but we have individually that I have noticed. I have gone over my whole scene with Dan (Sir Whilloughby) numerous times with and without script so I know that this is a great way of learning lines for me because this scene is now engraved in my brain!

5.) Writing my lines & key lines in
  For this, I basically wrote on a sized piece of blank paper the end of the line before mine, then my line. This really worked for me amazingly because it shown me very clearly exactly where I came in and what my line is. I also wrote my lines the biggest so it was obvious that they were mine and because I reconized the hand writing some how it made it easier for me to remember them. This was one of my favourite techniques to use because it worked so fast and well.

6.) Taking notes
  When rehearsing, I usually write down key points on my page of either what action to take or how to feel at that moment. This helps in remembering lines because you then remember what happened in the rehearsals and it some how brings back the memory and you remember the line easier. For example, on page 43 I wrote next to 'the cheese alphabet', "Zoe with board, 'SMACK!', --> laugh" which makes sense to me as 'Zoe starts it off, she flips the whiteboard around as Mrs Brisket does too and it stage smacks her in the face, that's when I laugh (and get shouted at later)'. All of the notes that I have wrote on the pages really help me not only remember each line (because of the remembrance from rehearsals) but also how I should be feeling and how I should react from what works best.

Overall I would say that my best technique is probably 'Look - Cover - Write' and also 'rehearsing with partner'. They have both really helped me in the whole learning my lines process and now I know all of my lines and more or less when I come in too! For this last rehearsal week before the show I hope that it all goes smoothly and we all remember and deliver our lines confidently too!

Saturday 5 April 2014

Epic theatre.

  Verfremdungseffekt is using things to break the fourth wall, alienation, creating emotion and to make a point. It challenges emotional context and is to make something strange, different and interesting. This could be by using placards, the audience wouldn't know how to feel watching a Brecht performance. It is exaggeration.
The techniques used so far in wolves are:
 *creating the illusion of a different emotion

We played a game called 'tell me a story' (an improv. game). Chloe was the narrator, Dan acted out the story and Megan also acted out the story. To start, Chloe made the story, she could change and alter anything she wanted. The story started off as "One man, on his own felt like a woman. Mum came in, he doesn't notice her." Then Chloe added in 'dad' (Jay). Chloe guidelines the story, others can also alter the story but keeping to the narrators guidelines.
  Things in Wolves using verfremdungseffekt:
1.) The projection backdrop.
2.) Narration of chorus.
3.) Descrition in third person.
4.) Changing costume on stage.
5.) Direct address.
6.) Audience interaction.

Spass = (theatre version) fun/funny

Task: make an improv. (Short and spass, with a dramatic twist)
  I worked with Ryan and Andrew and we performed a 'this is Liverpool' mick take. Me and Ryan argued as stereotypical scousers then as Ryan goes to leave he gets shot making it a dramatic end.


  Verfremdungseffekt = creating emotions, for example: an actress is playing a character who has been raped and the audience feels what she feels, but then a clown is behind her making fun and you laugh. You are then conflicted, you question it and are confused. Brecht wanted to his audiences to leave thinking, he wanted to always make a point in his shows.
  This could help our play as we could incorporate it, so for example in screen 8 when Grimshaw snatches Sylvia's toy from her with plans to throw it into the fire, the audience should feel sorry for the little girl and hate Grimshaw. Yet by using this effect, if Grimshaw says his line "Barbeque it. I love the smell of burning toys in the morning." This makes the audience laugh when he looks at them with a creepy expression so then the audience are confused as to whether they should still feel sorry for the girl or laugh at him. I think that this works really well and it is using the effect perfectly too.
  'Placards' also by Brecht are blunt. Placards show a characters emotions, thoughts and feelings on a piece of card to tell the audience exactly what is going on. Brecht does this to move scenes on faster so that the audience already know what is happening without them trying to guess or wait for something memorable to happen. Here is my interpretation of a Placard scene:
The thought bubbles would be the placards. It is a type of narration, it sets the scene without having to say it in lines. However in 'wolves' we won't use them because for this particular play it is better to be subtle and Brecht wasn't really that subtle.
  There is also more narration that we are actually using in wolves in the chorus. This sets the scene but is still a lot more subtle than the idea of placards. It is story telling and Brecht liked that, he went to Greek theatre and the only thing he really liked was the chorus'. The types of narration are:
 *1st person- "I did this."
 *3rd person- objects that move.
 *in character
 *stepping out of character
Caricature = a joke of themselves, e.g. Miss Slighcarp, Mr Grimshaw, etc. They are not like real human beings that you would see everyday.
Stereotypes = sexuality, clothes, 'chavs', 'teen mums', etc. It is based on ignorance and speak from others. Easy to say, automatically being brought up with it. It is useful however because if you are trying to show a stereotypical character the audience will know exactly what it is meant to be.

Scene 4 - "literacy and numeracy"

  This is the scene that the inspector comes to see the girls school in Blastburn. We see mrs brisket showing off infront of the inspector and makes the girls perform their literacy first. Our first idea was for Brisket to poke the girls in the back (they are all in a line) in sequence so that they shout out the letters in pain showing how evil brisket really is, yet the inspector is always oblivious to the cruelty. We then changed this slightly as it was too 'in sequence' and wasn't random enough really. So we then thought it would be a good idea to keep the poking but not for the whole thing, but because in the story Bonnie is the only child that has been brought up well she should lead the sequence as she is the only one who really knows it so while she confidently says it, the other girls follow her lead. I really liked this new idea because it is very realistic, that would actually happen in real life and makes more sense too.
  Secondly, when mrs brisket is flirting with the inspector we thought that the girls should chuckle at her because it's weird to see her like that. She is usually a hard faced woman, but now is acting like a girly girl! I loved this idea because little girls would laugh at something like that, it also shows that the girls are really not used to her being nice for once so shock would be in there too.
  If I had to make an improvement on this scene however I would say that we could possibly involve more movement in the scene instead of just being in a straight line, so for example when the girls say their letter they could move forward because in reality, no matter how well trained little girls are they wouldn't really stay in a straight line facing forward for the whole time. They would be looking around, chatting and laughing at silly things. Even if one girl tied their shoe laces for a long time or played around with their dress, then it would work really well and remind the audience that they are all little girls!

  We also blocked another part of this scene when it is partly the chorus.
                "Detention for speaking too loud.
                 Detention for speaking too quiet.
                 Detention for working too slow.
                 They were punished for yawning at supper."
For this, we got Bonnie to read the first line (obviously loudly) and be dragged away by the ear to the centre. The second line is for Sylvia to say quietly and also dragged to the centre. The third is to be read by Emma, and the last for another girl at the school. This would end with Bonnie, Sylvia and Emma in the centre stage ready for the next thing of saying their numeracy. I really liked this idea because it is an easy way of getting the girls ready for the next bit instead of just walking to the middle because that is boring to watch whereas this is more interesting. 

Scene 3 - Blocking the carriage.

  When making the carriage we simply used the set from the passageway and added a box at the front for James to sit on, with miss slighcarp behind and the two girls higher up behind her.
  Firstly we decided that the two girls would be either side of slighcarp but then halfway through the journey Bonnie would move over to Sylvia to keep her warm. We then changed this so that Bonnie and Sylvia are sat together from the start. I think that this idea works a lot better because it is more realistic than Bonnie just walking across the back of the small carriage. It also makes it more clear that the carriage is still quite small, it is James' and he can't afford much.
  When the carriage pulls up at blast burn, the two girls have been asleep for the late part of the journey and still are when they pull up, heads together. However, when miss slighcarp raises her voice to tell mrs brisket that their "plan is working", the two girls wake up with a jolt and are very alarmed to their new sight of the girls school. I thought that this all worked very well because it shows the distraught feelings the girls are feeling and also a contrast in the calmness to the sudden alarm.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Blocking scene 8: "SLAP!" and The Secret Passage.

  I thoroughly enjoyed blocking and planning this scene. The characters being used here are Bonnie, Miss Slighcarp, Sylvia and Mr Grimshaw. Miss Slighcarp is seen wearing something of Bonnie's mothers and Bonnie is furious about it, resulting in a dramatic moment of Miss Slighcarp slapping Bonnie to the ground and throwing her into a cupboard with the help of Grimshaw. With this idea we straight away decided that a sort of stand off should happen between Slighcarp and Bonnie, coming in closer and closer toward each other then finally being pratically nose to nose in fury. I really liked this idea of a stand off because it shows the authority each character has (Bonnie basically still having control of Miss Slighcarp in a way but Slighcarp trying to take over.) Both powerful people trying to get rid of one another, this shows really well how they react to each other in a heated moment such as this.
   The first block of this scene was for Miss Slighcarp to only slap Bonnie to the ground and we worked out a way for it to work theatrically. We then decided that more should come from this scene. It is a big scene and could be so extravagant and better than that so we blocked it again. Our next idea was to involve Mr Grimshaw too and have him help out in the plan of getting rid of Bonnie and teaching her a lesson as he was evil too. Mr Grimshaw was to stand close but not too close to Miss Slighcarp and to grap Bonnie off her and end the process by being the one who throws her into the cupboard. We had to block this bit quite a lot so that it really worked and looked real without anyone actually getting hurt in the process which in the first place did not work as Ryan (Grimshaw) got a black eye so we had to try that all again so that this does not happen again in the future! We then decided to make it work, we would have to flip Bonnie around by her hair which Slighcarp has a grip on then throwing her backwards into Grimshaw so that he could then also involve the cane by putting it around her and pulling her by that. This finally all worked out but it took a lot of effort for it to properly work and look real too.
  We also blocked in this the first chorus paragraph of the servants being let go from their jobs and being paid their final wage. For this we simply got the chorus to climb pratically onto the set platforms but make it interesting whilst saying their lines, then they would jump down and all scatter into a line as soon as Slighcarp makes an appearance. We then all decided that it would be good if she threw their last wage into the air and they all run into the middle to get what they can fast, with one person still collecting when Grimshaw then appears, he would pull them up slowly with his cane to add effect to the whole scene. I really liked this whole idea very much because it was very fast paced and always moving with a lot going on so it is very interesting too. We blocked a lot in this scene and it all works really well!
  With Jill, we all were given an animal that we had to make our character act like. For Bonnie, I was given a puppy which I have to interoperate into my part. This was a good idea to do because it puts me in the mindset of what I have to act like when reading my lines and just on stage. In rehearsals, we then added this feature by getting Bonnie (me) to jump onto James (Adam) when I say my lines when James thinks that I have gone missing from the passage way.
  "I'm here! James - I'm dissapointed in you." This paragraph needs to be said with lots of excitement and enthusiasm, I have to leap to James from a higher level and from being given the puppy dog title I think that this really helped because it shown me what I have to do.
  In this scene we also decided that when Mr Grimshaw says about "burning toys in the morning" he should be very creepy and aim this line at the audience too. He has to be a real creep and show the audience how weird and horrible he really is and also with this line it will make the audience hopefully have emotions for these characters, hating Grimshaw for taking Sylvia's innocent toy!
  With the passageway we planned it on levels going up and down so it is more of a struggle to move through it for the girls when they do. This then looks more realistic and shows that it is not easy what they are doing it is effort but they want to get through the struggle rather than see miss slighcarp! The girls are crawling away but there is also a gap in the middle to show when they see Slighcarp and Grimshaw discussing in the library. When this happens the girls will be in full view but the other 2 never turn round to actually catch them spying on their plans.

Thursday 27 March 2014


  The idea of 'projection' was to get everybody who is not main in a scene to hold up pieces of white card and have projected images onto all of the card that are involved with the scene.
 For example, when we play the 'skating scene', we decided to project a winter wonderland sort of image onto the card. This works really well because it gives the audience more of a feel of what is going on in the scene if it is not clear. I also think that it works really well with the whole performance as it keeps the pace going with continuous scenes, and it gives the whole performance a more interesting view in my opinion.
  The only negative thing I would say however about the projection would be that sometimes in rehearsals the card was slightly noisy when in motion, and the whole chorus would have to be in the exact same place every single time for it to really work. If there are gaps also between the pieces of card again it doesn't work because the projection actually goes right through and doesn't look right. Overall, the idea of projection really looks great and works well if it is performed right.

The themes we thought of for the scenes were:
*Scene 2 (train) - a carriage
*Scene 6 (skating) - a winter wonderland
*Scene 7 ('Simon the goose boy') - geese
*Scene 8 (back to the house, sacking workers) - grandfather clock/fireplace
*Scene 9 (library) - library
*Scene 4/Act 2 (workhouse) - industry workplace
*Scene 5 (journey) - sunset
*Scene 6 (London) - London
*Scene 7 (visiting Aunt Jane) - old poor house
*Scene 8 ('Another train journey') - train carriage

Blocking scene: Six

When blocking scene 6 (the skating scene), we decided to firstly get Bonnie and Sylvia skating on the spot, centre stage (moving legs back and too) whilst the chorus stand huddled in the corner. They would be speaking their lines in a sort of monotone with actions and also all staring at the two girls like hungry wolves. I didn't really like this idea because to me it looked quite boring to watch, I would of preffered a lot more things going on such as possibly the wolves having more actions (swaying/breathing heavily/etc.)
 We then furthered this scene by improving it. As a group we decided to keep the skating motion going with the two girls but getting them to expand more by them turning to different angles in sync. I thought that this worked really well because it gives the audience more to watch and in my opinion it is a lot more interesting. We also got the whole chorus to gradually move around the space but not going too far away from each other, keeping in the pack. This to me brings the wolves more to life than the first idea, it also brings more energy to the performance and makes 'wolves' actually come to life. All of this is a big improvement I think from the first draft of blocking because it is more alive and there is so much more going on instead of it being dull and boring.
 We then continued to block this scene even further with Jill, now deciding on the chorus turning into wolves with the cannon effect but fast, getting them into different levels to eventually jump down softly but still visually aware (like a real wolf.) They would then slowly start to surround the girls evilly and prowling. Also, we decided that it would be a great idea to get the chorus to also hold up pieces of white card, whilst a projector aims directly at them making a background scene. As the 'wolves' speak, they will be holding up their pieces of card but when they start to scat and move, they will drop the card and then the backdrop will project into the background of the scene whilst everything else goes on.
 I enjoyed blocking this scene and was really happy with the final block. I thought that it worked really well and that the scene had progressed quite a lot. It went through a lot of blocking from the start, but in my opinion the end result of this has worked out a lot better.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Similarities and Differences.

When researching the similarities and differences between the book and England in the 1800s, there are quite a lot more differences than similarities. This is because it is a make believe children's story book, it is not meant to be like real life. Here is what I picked out:

*The poor lived in small houses with around 10 other people, however in the book Sylvia lives in an average sized house with only her aunt Jane.
*Young poor children were constantly ill (like Sylvia.)
*There were trains in England at the time and also in the book.

*Women had no power but Miss Slighcarp has quite a lot in the book.
*There were no wolves roaming England.
*Women were meant to have no ambition, stay in the house and tend to it. They were very beautiful and graceful (again, Miss Slighcarp was not.)
*Young poor children usually started work very young, yet in the book Sylvia does not.
*There is no war going on in the book but was at the time.
*There is no slavery in the book but a lot at the time went on.

I then looked into what the time was actually like in the 1800's and I found that they did have trains in England. Also, the rich ladies and girls wore puffy sleeved under skirted dresses and the men always looked well dressed in suits. Diseases were also a big thing at the time; many diseases swept the poverty stricken people of England during the 1800s. These epidemics included typhus, scarlet fever, measles, influenza, cholera, smallpox, and diphtheria. 

•The typhus epidemic struck London in 1800. Typhus is a disease with symptoms including fever, rashes, headache caused by infection with a microorganism called Rickettsia prowazekii. 

•Another disease that engulfed London in the year 1800 was scarlet fever. Scarlet fever is a disease caused by strep infections. Some symptoms include fever, sore throat, abdominal pain, headaches, muscle aches, and vomiting. Scarlet fever is also noticeable by the blotchy skin irritations and white infection of the tongue, 1803 

•Influenza, a disease caused by a contagious virus that is spread through respiratory functions, struck the people of London, Chester, and British troops in Ireland. Most people underwent body aches, headaches, coughing, and sore throats as a result of being infected with this disease. 1808-1815 
•A severe measles epidemic struck London in 1808. Many young children died because they were unable to fight off the disease due to the high fever, coughing, inflamed eyes, sore throat, and fat blotches that appeared on the skin. 1831-1834

•During 1831-1834 cholera, a highly contractible disease caused by a bacterial infection of the intestine, spread throughout Britain attacking all classes. Cholera is 
transmitted through contaminated food or water. The faeces of those who were infected by the disease entered the water systems, ultimately spreading it to anyone who drank or even bathed in the water. 1857-1859

•Diphtheria was the major epidemic spreading in 1857-1859. Diphtheria is a bacterial infection that affects the respiratory system or the skin. Often time’s people were unable to treat this, which led to a coma and/or death. The effects of disease in the 1800s not only included death but also fear, food shortages, and economic downfall. Many people became scared of the possibilities of contracting one of these many deadly diseases; this ultimately drove some people to panic. Food shortages were also a huge result because if people who normally cared for the crops were ill, how was the supply of food expected to reach its demand. Another result included economic downfall. With people unable to work, the supplies others needed could not be manufactured. Therefore, many were left unemployed because of the lack of work needed at this time.



Unit 13- Contemporary theatre performance
Unit 19- Principles of acting
Unit 1- Performance workshop

Key rehearsal tasks:
 *Learn lines (more flexible, rehearsals can start properly, etc.)
 *Blocking (organizing performance space)
 *Props and costume (character comes to life)
 *Characterisation (back story, not realism)
 *Tech stuff (creepy, slow music)
 *Research (on your character, what people think about the play, etc.)

Verfremdungseffekt= creating emotions.
   *epic theatre
e.g. actress character has been raped, audience feel what she feels but then a clown behind her is making fun and you laugh, but you are then conflicted and you question it/ have questions/ are confused = wanted to leave thinking, wanted to make a point.
  *Didactic= intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
*Was in the 1940s.

  This could help our play by us incorporating this idea. We could use the moral of changing the audiences feelings so dramatically that they are confused in their own feelings and thoughts. This would leave a dramatic feeling in the audiences minds and they would think about what was going on a lot more. This would help us to easily make our audience more interested in what is going on and make them actually think instead of just view.

Placards= A narration of what is going on (e.g. what the actor is thinking/actually wanting to say.) They are blunt and straight to the point because Brecht preferred it like that, however when playing around with this idea in class we thought overall that it was actually better to subtle.
  In our play, we also have narration of the 'Chorous', it is story telling for the audience of what is going on in the scene without bluntly telling them, we are still making them think and be interested.
  Brecht watched a lot of Greek Theatre, he didn't like the plays but loved the chorus'.
Types of narration:
*1st person- "I did this"
*3rd person- objects that don't usually speak (e.g. the wind whistled)
*In character
*Stepping out of character
  Caricature= a joke of themselves (e.g. Miss Slighcarp, Mr Grimshaw are both great examples of this, their personalities are very over the top and almost not human, like animals.)
 Stereotypes= sexuality, what you wear, chavs, teen mums.

*Based on ignorance, speak from others. Easy to say, automatically thought if you were brought up with it. Quite useful because if showing a character with a stereotype it is easier because everybody in the audience will know what type of person is being portrayed.

Saturday 1 March 2014


The casting list has been put up and I found out that I was cast as Bonnie! I was really happy with this character because it's who I wanted to be in the play. Last night I started to learn my lines and I highlighted what I had to say in a yellow highlighter and my characters actions in a green highlighter.

I am now really looking forward to creating this play and putting it on for an audience. I love the different aspects to it such as the physicality of the wolves, the many different types of characters, and more! I hope to learn my lines fast and my technique so far is to 'look, cover, read'. I am also trying it out with different people to read lines with me so that I know when to say what and when. This really helps me because I will then know my lines a lot faster. I want to start on my physicality,facial expression and tone for my character and that is why I want to learn my lines so fast so that I can perform at my best for this. I have 130 lines to read, have 36 character actions to achieve and I am in  simply every scene so I have a lot to learn! However I am seeing this all as an challenge that I will be able to achieve very soon!

  I have also been practicing my proper English pronunciation and watching YouTube videos to help me. So far I have learnt that if you imagine a rectangle being in your mouth from the roof to the tounge, it helps you pronounce better because that is the shape your mouth should be in to speak in this way. Also standing or sitting up straight and forward helps to because you can then hit the 't's and 'd's when speaking because your tongue is in neutral and is not at the back of your throat like it would be if you were slouched.

About the book.

Our next unit of performing arts is creating a play based on the novel (converted to play) 'The Wolves of Willoughby Chase'. When reading the script, I knew straight away which character I would like to be, Bonnie. I really liked this character because her written personality sounded slightly like my real personality! "Bonnie is adventurous and confident, with a fiery temper." When reading this first line out to my mum she said to audition for this part straight away! It continues, "She is somewhat spoiled" (again, my mum thought that I should audition for this!) "...but a bright and good-natured girl, strongly built and full of energy." My favourite scene of 'Bonnie's' was defiantly when Miss Slighcarp wears her mothers dress and we see Bonnie first show her fiery side in the whole play!
  "Miss Slighcarp: You will attend to your own breakfasts from now on. There is much to do this morning, where did-
  Bonnie: What are you wearing?
  Miss Slighcarp: Are you speaking to me?
  Bonnie: Why are you wearing my mothers dress?"
From the start of the book, we have only really seen Bonnie as a sweet, good-natured little girl. We can tell that she is well looked after and has positive surroundings until Miss Slighcarp comes into her life and takes over. Miss Slighcarp has sort of turned Bonnie more nasty in my opinion as we do not see this side of her until she is provoked by the governess herself.

  I am excited to start this play, the final outcome should be very dark and gloomy, but with a fairy tale twist.

  On Tuesday we worked on our physicality movements with Justine creating a wolf like routine. In our big group, we all were in parallel lines and made big heavy like movements backwards and forwards (like a real wolf crawling and looking for its pray). The next move was to do a 'dart-look' towards the right of the stage, and then to our audience. This was very effective in my opinion because that is what a wolf would do and it makes it more daring and scary to watch. We then swooped round to the left, fell to the floor on one leg (this all being a very fast movement,) and throwing our arms backwards and lifting up our bodies to create a table like form. This to me represents the wolves freakiness and how they appeared to others in the book (being very gruesome and un-humanly.) To finish we simply crawled backwards in our table like form, still staring at the audience. When deciding how to make the introduction we wanted to put this is but alter it to make it our own for the show. We decided we would keep everything from the movements except when we usually would drop to the floor on one foot after 'swooping', we changed this to a quicker movement of just getting straight up and scattering away. I liked this idea better because it makes the whole routine faster (just like a wolfs speed), and it also to me says that you don't have enough time against the wolves. They are so fast moving if you are spotted they will get you straight away. This brings panic and will put the audience in the mindset of if the wolves were actually real.

  On Thursday with Jill we put together the intro of the play working in three small groups: the boys doing the 'Chorous', for their idea they all stood in a tight huddle and read their verse at the exact same time, creating small but important movements all at the same time and keeping a gloomy feel. Then it was me/Megan/Sian/Chloe building a structure out of stands and planks and being wolves, crawling all over them in strange and creepy ways, and finally Beth, Jess, Amy and Zoe creating a line from the chorus of-
                                          "Meanwhile, far away in London
                                          Another girl, a frail and timid mouse,
                                          Who hides behind her shadow,
                                          Boards a train for the perilous journey
                                          Across this famished frozen land."
  When the girls created this section they decided to show all of this from behind a show like a shadow show in which they would nominate one person to be the girl and the others would be stood like statues then the girl would hide behind each one individually. She would then come to a train conductor who would slowly wind their fingers and arms towards her then quickly grab her in and throw her onto the train. I thought that this was a great combination of ideas because it wasn't just doing what the line told them to do, it was thinking outside the box and working with their imagination and I really liked the whole idea.